The Department of Statistics and Data Science (DSDS) offers three degree programs, our undergraduate program, our Master of Professional Studies program and our MS/PhD program.
Martin Wells and a student looking over a paper.
The Department of Statistics and Data Science offers undergraduate studies in statistical science, biometry and statistics, and data science.
Martin Wells & PhD Graduate Commencement
The PhD program is intended to prepare students for a career in research and teaching at the University level.
A Stats student at computer
The MPS provides a solid foundation in theoretical statistics, certification in SAS, and a year-long real-world data analysis project.
Stats student listen to lecture
For a list of class times and room numbers, please see the most recent Class Roster.
McGraw Tower, Uris Library and Ho Plaza in fall, shot from Barnes Hall.
The PhD minor in Data Science is designed for doctoral students interested in understanding the methods of data gathering and analysis.