The Bachelor's of Arts in Statistical Science major provides an interdisciplinary academic program in the study of empirical quantitative reasoning in its scientific and social context. The major integrates the study of the three major themes in Statistical Science:

  1. mathematical statistics, which examines the theoretical underpinning of the field and prepares students for graduate work in statistics or a quantitative field;
  2. applied statistics, which prepares students for careers in applied statistics, statistical programming, and other areas that require broad knowledge of statistical ideas and techniques; and
  3. computational statistics, which stresses the computational aspects of statistics, including numerical methods, visualization, data mining, machine learning, and computational methods for extracting information from large digital data sets.

The Statistical Science major has been designed to ensure that students have a firm grounding in both the major area as well as substantial depth in a particular applied area. In addition, it has been designed to support and encourage double majors through the requirement of an external specialization.

Statistics teaches a mode of reasoning that can be applied flexibly and with nuance across fields of study.
See these procedures to affiliate witht the Stats major.
See below for a list of core requirements, which includes core requirements, suggested electives, and general information.
In order for an undergraduate Statistical Sciences major to be considered an honors graduate, the student must meet all of the requirements listed here.
Below are some resources that you may find useful for internship and research opportunities.